Thursday 24 November 2016

Mental and Thought conflicts among Human Systems

As I have raised my understanding and opinion on formation and continuous initiation of human systems in my previous article, in this article I would like to  throw insight in to human mental and thought conflicts on human systems.
This is the origin of the problem.For suppose a system is present among a group of humans and they are following it, there are people of that system who have concerns and issues with it. So they rise the question and that may lead to origin of issue or conflict in case they did not get required change or satisfactory answers. In a party, they are serving the non vegetarian dish majorly. Couple of vegetarian guys have issue with it since they feel that not much importance given to veg items. This is one micro issue among millions and billions of conflicts and issues runs in the human systems.
                          Whatever the conflict or issue raised among any group or country of people on the globe , there is a question, reason and may be possible needed debate on it. People living in slums may have various issues and conflicts about their daily living and societal procedures around them. So its all human thought process that originates the problem and conflict. The problem may have REAL(need debate on it, what is actual reason and what makes human brain something to believe as REAL ) reasons behind it. So overall in all as humans have their way of thinking and reasoning, In my view, there never be any human system, that satisfies all the humans without any issues or conflicts.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Human Systems - Evolution and Developemnt

Before writing in to the actual thought, I'm thinking about the origin of this thought. People satisfy or feel comfort by speaking or chanting philosophies or Vedatha's to overcome their present state. Now, does I'm in that condition of some misery and developing this thought ?  or my brain really developed or matured to write this type of thoughts ? i don't know.!!!
                                            Coming to the actual thought. I see the moving world around me as the product of human developed systems. Buildings, machines, huts, marriage ceremonies, medical equipment and all material and traditional systems are results of human systems.Like a bird makes its nest and started living in it, human generated their own systems and living their lives on the earth.Its all human systems that run the show of the world.Different systems at different places , continents and so on.