Friday, 17 January 2020

Teaching to teachers : Article series - 03 : Very basics : Speaking a fun word

Speaking a fun word or telling a joke during the session is one of the best techniques of getting attention towards speaker in any form of public speaking. Be it at teaching, at a public speaking or at any other occasion.
Humans, by very nature love comedy. It is not necessary that every teacher or speaker should tell a joke at each session to audience. A well taught teacher could simply avoid this quality / tip. But having fun during lecture relieves self and class room.
Joke or fun words can be from external or internal. Teacher can pick a recent incident or activity which have some scope for fun. Or you can make fun of some system or actor. Sometimes students may also initiates some fun stuff.
But, while using this technique teacher should be careful of the direction towards which the activity is going on. If fun activity is more and students get deviated towards unnecessary topics then whole session gets affected and students may not concentrate on actual topic of the session. So we should cut it at the right time and continue the talk.

Teaching to teachers : Article series - 02 : Very basics : Involving students in the session

One of the core techniques of teaching is to make students involve in the session. Many a times, students may be bored of listening to the class. Because of various reasons, they may not be interested in our class. So they show the same dull/lame or boring faces towards us. During this time if we start the class, it will be more burden and hammering to their minds. So we should do something to involve them in the class.
First technique is the smiley face of the teacher. A good smile definitely awakes half of the class to consciously recognize that teacher / professor came to class premises. After entering the class if we sense above boring conditions, we can reach one or two students, smile and we can wish them and talk to them with low voice about something that come to your mind about the class.  Like asking, how is it today. They may not tell that it is boring and they don’t want to listen the session but this gesture prepares the class environment that there will be another session going to start.

If possible (based on environment in the class) following techniques or tips can be used to first 2-3 minutes of the session.
1. Asking to the class, which team have won yesterday’s football / cricket match.
2. Which is the best web series you guys are watching at homes recently.
3. When will be this class going for this year’s picnic /tour somewhere etc.

So, like these questions you can talk unrelated topics to change the mood of the class. It will not deviate complete interest of the class since we will stop it after 1-2 minutes and start the session.

Also, during the session, ask a simple or straight forward questions to students randomly. This also keeps brings activeness in the class room.

Also, walk among students and teach / explain. This also makes students to be alert and involve.
So friends, above are some tips to involve students during the session. We will discuss more in coming articles.