Thursday 31 August 2023

During the ‘times’ of check

 Yeah. It is great. And everyone of us has gone through this. At least once or multiple times or still continuing on the same. We have our ups and downs, good and bad, worst sometimes and joy and wins. However the time of ‘check’ or the time of ‘testing us’ is one of the best times we ever had. This we will release after sometime anyway. What are the things that we should be taking care when we are tested by , checked by ?

           1. The first and foremost thing is let the time pass by. Because there could be situations where we cannot have any control over it. Not even one percent chance. In those situations, if nothing works, Let the time pass by. Just watch the times. It will flow like air. A beautiful air. In this stage we are doing nothing but letting the time to pass by…

            2. If we are in middle of something, we are getting checked, then let them check. Just continue the hard work, dedication and all the plans we have. Keep on moving irrespective of all the tests people do. Perseverance is the Key here.



                  3. Now, if the check is sudden or we don’t even thought of it coming, listen to the intuition and act accordingly. Take the help from nature. It could be suggestion or help from some people. It could be a YouTube video or a good book. But we should act upon it and make sure we are dealing in accordance with our intuition.

                  4. Sometimes there are people who checks us or tests us repeatedly even we are doing everything required. Just ignore them and nothing more to prove to them.

                  5. One more important consideration is, stop the pickle thoughts, unnecessary overthinking and self doubt. Be faithful and hopeful and move on.


Wednesday 30 August 2023

"Love people, but never take them to heart"

 May be I'm speaking it harsh but the point is we cannot trust everyone and take everything in to heart. If we go that way, I'm sure we will drop ourselves into trouble or get hurt. It does not mean that we should give no importance to people and neglect them. Life is full of people around us. Starting from family people to people in work places, people around us and so on.. We have to have good communication or we should be trying to communicate well with the people. But during the process, there can be many difference of opinions, or get agreed on the same page or sometimes may lead to quarrel or any other outcome. However the point to remember is , we should not take everything to the heart. Particularly, the words or actions of others that Hurt or Pain us. It also does not mean that we should be acting like a Stone. We should be having good emotions and the joy that keeps us cherishing. We should be practicing that balancing consciousness.
                             "Now..., I'm sure many times we believe or trust on some person while doing something or talking on something. And that person may acted against us which results us to get Hurt or some emotional stuff. We may also feel cheated in worst cases or not cared. To avoid this fuss in the thoughts, the best way is to not to give that importance to them in our thoughts. We Love them, we will share many things and activities with them. But we should not be taking most of the things to our heart. It is not also acting or cheating them. It is just staying with a layer of disconnect even we are in strong bond."

 Generally this approach requires much understanding and deep care for people and also good level of maturity to not to get self hurt when things are reversed. Gratitude, Compassion, Clear understanding of the situation and also the past behavior or approach of that persons may give us some leads. Also thoughts of forgiveness and an attitude of 'move' will makes us to not go in to the hurting trap much.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Virtual Travel : Egypt

 Cairo : Egypt

1. Lot of busy streets with full of clothing stores. Like kothi area of Hyderabad

2. Arabic culture.

3. Shopping boards with Arabic 

4. Shisha and Hookah

5. Egypt is part of Africa

6. Cairo biggest city in middle east

7. Cairo had 2.3 million population

8. $10 = 160 Egyption pounds

9.Pyramids of Giza

10. Sugarcane

11. Nile river 

Not tourist friendly now a days

Friday 17 January 2020

Teaching to teachers : Article series - 03 : Very basics : Speaking a fun word

Speaking a fun word or telling a joke during the session is one of the best techniques of getting attention towards speaker in any form of public speaking. Be it at teaching, at a public speaking or at any other occasion.
Humans, by very nature love comedy. It is not necessary that every teacher or speaker should tell a joke at each session to audience. A well taught teacher could simply avoid this quality / tip. But having fun during lecture relieves self and class room.
Joke or fun words can be from external or internal. Teacher can pick a recent incident or activity which have some scope for fun. Or you can make fun of some system or actor. Sometimes students may also initiates some fun stuff.
But, while using this technique teacher should be careful of the direction towards which the activity is going on. If fun activity is more and students get deviated towards unnecessary topics then whole session gets affected and students may not concentrate on actual topic of the session. So we should cut it at the right time and continue the talk.

Teaching to teachers : Article series - 02 : Very basics : Involving students in the session

One of the core techniques of teaching is to make students involve in the session. Many a times, students may be bored of listening to the class. Because of various reasons, they may not be interested in our class. So they show the same dull/lame or boring faces towards us. During this time if we start the class, it will be more burden and hammering to their minds. So we should do something to involve them in the class.
First technique is the smiley face of the teacher. A good smile definitely awakes half of the class to consciously recognize that teacher / professor came to class premises. After entering the class if we sense above boring conditions, we can reach one or two students, smile and we can wish them and talk to them with low voice about something that come to your mind about the class.  Like asking, how is it today. They may not tell that it is boring and they don’t want to listen the session but this gesture prepares the class environment that there will be another session going to start.

If possible (based on environment in the class) following techniques or tips can be used to first 2-3 minutes of the session.
1. Asking to the class, which team have won yesterday’s football / cricket match.
2. Which is the best web series you guys are watching at homes recently.
3. When will be this class going for this year’s picnic /tour somewhere etc.

So, like these questions you can talk unrelated topics to change the mood of the class. It will not deviate complete interest of the class since we will stop it after 1-2 minutes and start the session.

Also, during the session, ask a simple or straight forward questions to students randomly. This also keeps brings activeness in the class room.

Also, walk among students and teach / explain. This also makes students to be alert and involve.
So friends, above are some tips to involve students during the session. We will discuss more in coming articles.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Teaching to teachers : Article series - 01 : Very basics : Articulation

“Misery in the world is not due to bad students, but due to bad teachers”

I would like to run a series of articles on better teaching basics. Intention of this series is to help aspirants who wish to become good teachers / existing teachers who want to increase their skills in the profession.
In this article let’s discus about one of the basic qualities of teaching, that is,
Articulation. Wiki meaning for this word is, “the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech”. We should know how to speak during the lecture / session. We should know where to rise the voice and where to make it low. We should have command over the sentences we phrase. Sometimes you can take the liberty of a shout if it needs. If you can make your words clear to audience / students it’s ok with the general grammar instead of looking / searching for clear cut sentences according to English grammar. Ultimately, the goal is, our topic should be well understood by the students / participants by the end. It may not be 100 % relative to this topic, but to refer with the context, examine the famous “I have a dream speech” by Martin Luther King Jr. How he has command, articulation, more ever the flow he attains during the speech.
And, having articulation is not the only quality a teacher required but it helps in delivering the lecture better. There are teachers who are not much good with articulation but still they managed to run the show better. But, I believe it is their interest and movement of words that achieves the task during the lecture. So, to conclude practicing better articulation really helps the speaker to deliver the lecture in a beautiful way.   
                                      Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

In the coming articles, let’s discuss about the other qualities like involving students during the class, speak a fun word, clarity of the topic that’s going to be delivered in the class and so on…

Friday 22 June 2018

Does the passage of time heals inner wounds ?

As shown in our Indian movies particularly, where hero have wounded past and living a simple life and goes to flash back in second half of the movie where he had glorious past. But my this thought is against it. I believe that in maximum cases, passage of time gives relieve from the wounds and will create new opportunities, new goals, new life. The ‘new’ may be not more / less like past ( before wounds) but it will be definitely different from the state of panic. And, in my opinion, it is the amount or level of wounds that person experiences and how he / she takes it to heart  meaning, loosing a loved one for a person may not be that panic / painful for years. But for other it is a lot. It means they felt too bad and sad about. So, for the second case , it takes very long time to get relief from the wound.
                              'The very beauty of nature is ‘change’. Gone yesterday will never come. Think how it could be if, time is constant and we are in yesterday continuously. No relief from pain for the person experiencing yesterday, no end of joy for the person, no change of conditioning and so on…'

It is not only the time that may heals inner wounds but there are other factors contributing like change of place, meeting some awesome person, changing diet or medicine, reading an excellent book or a note that quickly relives from pain etc.. And , the other case , as I was mentioning earlier it takes a life time for some people to heal a wound. Psychologically, it is different from person to person. It was shared to me from one of good counselor and  church priest ( Rev.Fr. Kulandaisamy) that wounds in a person may originate at an age as early as when he / she was in womb. One girl, when he was counseling shared that the reason for her pain was her mother don’t want to give birth since she is a girl child. So, she listened to it at very early age and carried the thought throughout her life and feeling too sad over the years. For her time played some role but didn’t healed her completely. To conclude, time may heal the wounds of person since it is dynamic and ever moving, but in particular cases it is through prayer, meeting, sharing to people, getting counselled, forgetfulness, or self-realization that helps to heal and excel.